The project has been made possible through successive research contracts obtained since 2014.
2014: FP7 European Research Council (ERC) – Consolidator Grant. « Functional Brain Tractography ». PI: O. David.
2017: H2020 European Research Council (ERC) – Proof of Concept (PoC). “EXCITATOR: Active probing of brain excitability by electrical micro-stimulations for drug discovery”. PI: O. David.
2018: Human Brain Project – Medical Informatics Platform. “SEEGMIP: Medical Informatics Platform for stereoelectroencephalography”. PI: O. David.
2020: Human Brain Project – SGA3. “Human Intracerebral Platform”. PIs: P. Ryvlin, O. David.
2021: NIH – ANR. “Probing the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and central executive network for improving neuromodulation in depression”. PIs: C. Keller, O. David.
2022: FNSNF Fonds national Suisse de la recherche scientifique. “Precision mapping of electrical brain network dynamics with application to epilepsy”. PIs: P. Hagmann, S. Vulliemoz, D. Van De Ville. Partners: O. David, I. Jelescu, P. Van Mierlo.
2022: ANR. “Multi-level approach of human brain networks underlying epilepsy and cognition (EPICOG)”. PI: P. Kahane. Partners: O. David, E. Barbeau.
2023: PEPR Santé Numérique. “ Brain Health Trajectories ”. PI: V. Jirsa. Partners: O. David, J-F Mangin, D. Battaglia, A. Brovelli, B. Thirion.
2024: INSERM Booster programme on Neurotechnologies. PIs: JF Aubry, C Rosso.